
Growth Strategy & Investment Forum | Thur 18 May 2023


The key drivers to creating new opportunity & growth.

  • People: attraction, retention & culture
  • Cash Flow: managing & investing to grow
  • Brand & Profile: your story, marketing & audience
There are significant opportunities for growth in the year ahead for businesses that are positioned to take advantage of them.
This Forum will focus on three key factors determining how well a company can do this - people, cash, and brand positioning.


  • The key factors successful businesses are using to drive growth.
  • Aligning your team with today’s needs & future opportunities.
  • Maximising your cash flow & balancing your business needs.
  • Enhance your brand & profile to attract the right audience.
  • How AI can change the future of doing business.
  • Case Study: Building an Industry Leader – Lang’s Gourmet

View a copy of the full agenda, workshops hosts and content

General Information

Date:     Thursday 18 May 2023
Time:    1.45pm for 2.00pm start. Concludes by 5.00pm, followed by drinks & opportunity to network with presenters and guests.
Venue:  Queensland Cricketers’ Club | 411 Vulture Street, East Brisbane (Part of the Gabba Towers )
Dress:   Business

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