Covid-19 - WHS response and support

Covid-19 Support

Kitney have expertise, resources and an extensive business network and identified 5 key pillars for Covid-19 WHS support.  These are listed in the table below, with further support if needed.

Items that may be particularly important would be risk management of work and workplaces and ongoing management for home based work.

COVID-19 Response
Kitney Support
Business Continuity
  • Other advice as needed by the business
People Management
  • People management WHS advice
  • At risk employees management
  • WHS documents from the Kitney library, e.g.:

            o Working from Home Procedure and Inspection
            o Psychological Health Procedure and Risk Assessment

    • Links to businesses resources, e.g.:
    • Covid-19 concerns/symptoms response plans 
    Work Management
    • Covid-19 Risk Assessment Tool and Risk Management Plan
    • Work risk profiles, categorising work tasks, determining Covid-19 control measures and Covid-19 safe work procedures
    • WHS documents from the Kitney library:

               o Workplace Hygiene & Infection Control Procedures and Checklists
               o Computer Use and Office Ergonomics etc.

    • Home based work WHS management (inspections, assessments, review, guidance etc.)
    • Kitney 365 WHS System in Office 365 licence (WHS system framework, online tools and content)
    Health and Wellbeing
    • Mental and physical health and wellbeing guidance and information
    • Improving health and hygiene at home and work
    • Social and work distancing
    • Preparing and coping in times of crisis
    • Tel-support lines
    Connection and Communications
    • Regular and consistent messaging to instil confidence and knowledge (even in uncertain times).
    • Covid-19 contacts and communications


    We’re conscious in a downturn funds will be tight and are providing Covid-19 WHS support at cost for the next 8 weeks. We hope this will assist in the days and weeks ahead.

    Kitney 365 WHS System

    For the Kitney 365 WHS System, we have worked hard over the last few weeks in anticipation of the need for online WHS capabilities. The System is available and can be provisioned.  For customers using our online WHS System, they are well placed for enabling and monitoring their WHS management. It is versatile and can address home based work, service provision, workplace hygiene and infection control.

    Kitney WHS Services

    We’re following state and federal government guidelines and moving to virtual services, to protect the health and safety for our staff, their families and our business community. We’ll monitor this day by day and adjust work plans as needed.

    Joanne Kitney
    Managing Director, Kitney OHS
    m: 0434 582 192   e:
    Linked In:

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