Andrew Hill - Carroll Consulting
Everyone has a recruitment horror story. The candidate who had the CV that ticked all the boxes, performed well in their interview and referees who sang their praises. But after the first month or two, it was obvious they were not the right fit for your organisation and team.
I cannot stress enough how important culture-fit in recruitment is. At its core, culture-fit means an individuals’ beliefs and behaviours are in alignment with the organisations’ core values and company vision. Cultural alignment means you get an engaged workforce who give greater discretionary effort, which ultimately creates a well-balanced team and high-performing environment.
Getting this right is more challenging than it sounds. For many people, being “culture-fit” is a hard to define concept, but everyone sure knows when it is missing. To bridge this gap, we start with the end in mind, partnering with you to clearly define the role and the behaviours necessary for success to build a road map used to select the best fit. This is done using our rigorous documented process, based on three areas, Role-fit, Culture-fit, People-fit.
Here are some of the tips on getting it right:
Define exactly what it is you want.
Define the role purpose in four – six unique high-level responsibilities not done by anyone else in the organisation. If you can’t, the role
doesn’t exist.
Ensure you understand the nuances that make you, your company and what you want done unique.
Don’t just define competencies you require, define the behaviours necessary for success in the company and role so you know what you are
looking for. These may differ. Behaviours for an innovative person in one company may be different in another. It could mean; -
The candidate must firstly have the ability and experience for the role.
Interview your candidates to uncover a repeating pattern of behaviour.
Ask yourself: does that behaviour match what you require?
Remember, the greatest predictor of future behaviour is still past behaviour.
We often say, it’s simple but it is not easy. We are passionate about our recruitment methodologies. One of our biggest challenges is breaking down the stereotypical untrustworthy “recruiter” label that has unfortunately become a common perception. For us, it’s about becoming a trusted partner, working with you to ensure the appointment of the right candidate who will have a lasting positive contribution to the organisation.
Should you require further information, please contact us: e: | web: | ph: 07 3833 6288
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