How You Can Create a Ripple Effect Utilising Your Network and Social Media

Michelle O'Hara, Director - Oh! Marketing

Everyone’s heard the saying “Your network reflects your net worth” right? But many ask how this relates to digital marketing platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook

I recently spoke for an established group of business owners who were adamant that social media could not help their businesses. I shared a story with them of how reconnecting with past contacts at my school reunion of many years, (of which I shall not disclose :) ), created a ripple effect, leading to a business boom. I share the story with you here.

There were about 70 people at the reunion, many of which I hadn’t seen for a long, long time and with whom I was happy to catch up with to hear how they were going. From self-made real estate moguls, Presidents of European banks to wealthy IT geniuses, I enjoyed seeing where everyone had landed after all these years. It was a really fun night reminiscing and catching up. Some of you might be thinking…. SO WHAT Michelle…

It’s what I did the next day, that made all the difference.

I jumped onto LinkedIn and started connecting with the old crews (mostly the guys). Someone created a Facebook group for us all that I jumped into too (mostly with the girls).

Now, 85% of my business comes from referrals (as I would imagine most businesses’ do) and my other 15% comes from people seeing me on social media and remembering to refer me. In this case, suddenly here was another 50 amazing business people to connect with who were also well connected to over 500+ people each.

They jumped in, checked my profile, my summary and connected plus started reading and liking my posts. As a result I popped up in their contacts feeds and they then came looking at my profile, seeing my content, liking my posts – ripple effect underway. As a result, my profile jumped to over 530 views for the week, it generally sits at about 300, my connections increase by a further 30% and guess what…..  email introductions start coming through and business goes boom!!!

Facebook I mostly to talk to the female market + start-ups so the group was helpful for our training arm.

The secret, I believe is to utilise social media and all marketing platforms as an opportunity to create relationships and build trust, without having to meet every single person 1 on 1 for coffee first.

If my team or me can help you with this process as part of your broader marketing strategy, let’s get connecting and chatting.


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