The New Financial Year: Are You Worried About Hitting Your Targets?

Ralph Vossenberg, Managing Partner - Executive Consultive Group

The start of a new financial year is a time for optimism and goal-setting. But for CEOs, a nagging doubt can linger: will our sales team deliver the numbers we need?

Why Plans Fail

Many factors can derail a well-laid plan. Our experience has shown that some of the most common culprits include:

  • Unclear goals and a lack of alignment within the leadership team
  • A weak value proposition that doesn't resonate with customers
  • Ineffective sales management and a lack of accountability in the team
  • Gaps in your sales team's capabilities to deliver on your growth goals, from prospecting to closing complex deals


How to Get Back on Track

  • Create a strategic plan with your leadership team that they are aligned with and take ownership over
  • Your value proposition should be based on the problem you solve for your target market with thought given to your differentiator
  • Assess the capabilities of your sales team to ensure they have the skills needed and that their KPIs create visibility and accountability
  • Consider an external Interim sales manager to oversee the operation and set you up for success.

If you're facing these challenges, you don't have to go it alone. Partnering with a specialist in company effectiveness and revenue generation can provide the objective perspective and support you need.

Real Results for Real Businesses

At Executive Consulting Group (ECG), we've helped numerous clients achieve remarkable results. Here are a couple of examples:

  • A company that hadn't reached its targets in a decade smashed them after working with ECG for just 9 months. They experienced a significant increase in sales, thanks to a stronger strategy and a more effective sales team.
  • Another client "complained" about having to pay company tax for the first time in four years – a positive consequence of the growth ECG helped them achieve.

You may view our website for many more. 

Invest in Your Success

ECG's services in strategy formulation, sales recruitment, and training can help you achieve outstanding results. One client calculated a payback time of only 3 months for their investment in our services.

We can't guarantee success for every B2B company, but if you're serious about improving your business outcomes, please contact ECG today for a free consultation.  We can discuss how we can help you turn your growth plans into reality. | 1300 891 640

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