Why you shouldn’t wait to systemise your business

By Greg Gunther and Joshna Daya, Founders & Directors
Your Business Momentum

Many of us put off creating robust systems not because we doubt its value, but because we think things seem to be working fine without them, or we think we’ll get to it later.

In fact, 97% of organisations have minimal or no digital document processes, according to a Forrester report. But systemising your business isn’t just about ticking boxes – it’s about future-proofing your success.

The truth is, without clear processes in place, we risk chaos when challenges arise. It’s that moment when a critical issue hits, and suddenly, we realise how much smoother things could have been with documented procedures. Waiting until it’s urgent can be a costly mistake, both in terms of time lost and opportunities missed. Systemisation isn’t just a luxury for larger businesses; it’s a strategic necessity for any business looking to thrive and grow efficiently.

5 reasons why you should systemise your business sooner than later

If you think business processes are important but not urgent, here’s where the risks start to stack up.

  1. Critical knowledge resides in key employees' heads; if they leave, essential expertise leaves with them.
  2. Difficulty in disconnecting from work during holidays or off-hours due to reliance on personal devices for business communication.
  3. Absence of documented processes leads to ambiguity about the most effective ways to operate and achieve consistent results.
  4. Without clear processes, it's challenging to identify areas for improvement, leading to stagnation and repetitive practices.
  5. Processes often seem unnecessary until a crisis hits, highlighting the urgent need for systematic procedures. However, by then, damage may have already occurred, resulting in costly setbacks.

When is the right time to systemise your business?

Knowing when the right time is to systemise your business can begin by simply reflecting on whether you think your business could perform better than it currently is.

Every business suffers from some form of inefficiency and only those who are successful in minimising it become long-term profitable ventures.

Take a closer look at your organisation and try asking yourself:

  •       Are you constantly seeing errors and rework by employees or           yourself?
  •       Are your business goals being achieved?
  •       Is it taking too long to perform certain tasks?
  •       Are you feeling a sense of overwhelm and that your business is         out of control?
  •       Does your business rely too heavily on YOU being there for it to         run effectively?

If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, now might be the time to start systemising your business. 

Take the free Systems Strength Test to find out your systems’ strengths and to highlight areas of improvement. Organisations taking this test typically score below 60% - find out how you compare.

Getting started with documenting your business systems

Don't wait for a crisis to see the value in structured processes that streamline operations and protect your bottom line. Systemise your business before the cost of not having a system becomes painfully clear.

If you're ready to start systemising your business and want to accelerate the process, learn more about how we can help you get started.

Greg Gunther and Joshna Daya, Founders & Directors - Your Business Momentum

Greg and Joshna are seasoned business advisors and mentors with a passion for helping organisations get clear on their strategy and implement it. With over 30 years of combined business and professional experience, they have guided numerous established, rapidly growing businesses towards success.

They understand that no two businesses are the same, so a cookie-cutter approach just won't work. They founded Your Business Momentum, a professional services firm, on the belief that strategy and execution go together, and through focused implementation comes real results.

Together, they know how to connect with business leaders and help them become indistractable from strategy by creating a shared vision across the business and a committed future so that you can live a more enjoyable life.

W: Your Business Momentum  Ph: (07) 3041 1131

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